Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday Monday

Do I look different? Do I feel different? Can't say that I do, but I am happy that the newest Baby Waz made his debut and is now among us to be passed around, cuddled and kissed. He's a beautiful baby, and that's not just proud Beerma talking. Mom and Dad are doing fine, too, and in spite of C-section might be coming home tomorrow.

The stats for those who are interested:
Name: Aaron James Wazac
Birthdate: Jan. 31, 2010, 8:17am
Vitals: 8# 1oz., 19.75" long, light peach fuzzy hair
Important fact: Peed on himself right away, made Daddy proud

Big recovery news: I've lost one steri-stitch. As far as I can tell, that leaves nine more to dry up and blow away. I'm doing fine walking on the hospital track and out in public and absolutely LOVE the handicrap restroom at Biaggi's. They put the sink in with the toilet and there's enough room to dance in there. Using something even as minor as a walker gives me a new appreciation for how wheelchair-bound people have to negotiate their travels.

I've also blown off the TED hose. They'd creep up between my toes at night and wrinkle around my ankles and knees like elephant skin while I tossed and turned. I did some Internet reading about them and found conflicting points of view, no surprise, but the consensus seemed to be that once a surgical patient is ambulatory - and baby, I AM - using TED hose is probably not necessary. Some surgeons don't want patients to use them at home at all as there are reported cases of popping the new joint out of place trying to put the things on. I can certainly understand that. Donning TEDs is like trying to fit my pre-weight-loss body into my daughter's jeans. I could hooch and wriggle and grunt and stop breathing to get them over my tush, but what would I do with the flabalanche hanging over the waistband or the seams threatening to explode the minute I moved??? Maybe my swollen thigh won't look so obnoxious without the definition of the hose.

As slowly as my bruising is fading, though, I've decided that purple, green and yellow make lovely leggings.

While I've had hours to think, I've cooked up an idea for my next project and am anxious to get started. It's more ambitious than this blog has been and will require coordination with a web host and graphics designer. Good thing I happen to know some people. That's the long way of saying I'll be closing down this blog eventually (this is an edit from yesterday, when I thought I was done, but got some convincing requests to continue a bit longer). I want to thank those of you who have followed, either anonymously or not, and especially thank those who took the time to post comments. When my next project is ready, I'll post a notice here and/or a link on my Facebook site. If you'd like to know about it and don't do FB, check here or send an email to me at and I'll clue you in. I'm aiming for summer, so don't hold your breath while you wait or you'll look just like one of my bruises.

One last comment about THR (remember the beginning? Total Hip Replacement). You who said so were all dead-on about it being such an improvement. I'm nowhere near finished with recovery, but already my knees don't ache and the movements I do make with my new hip only hurt when I laugh. Okay, not funny, but the "pain" is merely that of sore muscles needing further exercise and not the bone-grinding ache of a degenerating joint. So here's to the Hippy Hippie Shake!

Love y'all! No longer "laid up," but laid over now by "popular demand."



  1. Hey Kendy, I am glad to hear you're doing so well. Even though you haven't heard from me, I have been paying close attention to your posts and extremely fast recovery. Congrats on the new grandson. He looks super cute!! Take care and talk to you soon. We miss you a lot here in packaging and can't wait for your return!!


  2. I find I'm getting a little bored with my own company, though I'm confused as to why ... hehe.
    I do NOT miss driving in crappy weather, though.

    Pearson business has started to claim more of my time, which makes me glad I'm at home and can get out of my chair every few minutes to stretch and walk. I don't know how I'm going to deal with it back in the office - maybe I'll ask for a treadmill at my desk!

    Thanks for dropping in, Helen. I miss you, too.
